Cross-stitch, Embroidery, Needlepoint, Quilting & Sewing

I can justify all the cost of all of my quilting tools, machines, fabric, everything that goes with it – I can also justify the cost of CraftOptics that enable me to continue doing what I love to be doing.

“My realization for myself is that if I can justify the cost of a computerized long arm quilting machine, and I can justify all the cost of all of my quilting tools, machines, fabric, everything that goes with it – I can also justify the cost of CraftOptics that enable me to continue doing what I love to be doing – while actually seeing what I am doing CLEARLY in the process.
Forget the looking silly while wearing them. Do I want to see to do what I love to do?
The answer is a resounding YES!  And I’ll never regret it.”
- Bonnie Hunter, Quilt Artist and Instructor