Quilting & Sewing

"I cannot express how much I love your product and the service that I have received! The glasses allow me to see my work better, and give me the ability to do the best work I can. I am not a professional, however I strive to do the best I can."

Just received my second pair of CraftOptics glasses!! WOW I am so excited and impressed. Love my red frames and the upgrade to the battery via the thumb drive gadget ( that is what you call it when you are over 70), is wonderful [rechargeable battery]!! I am now saving my pennies to upgrade my old pair.
I ran into your representatives in Ontario California during the Road to California Quilt Show. I paused to say hi and grab a lens cloth. I cannot express how much I love your product and the service that I have received! The glasses allow me to see my work better, and give me the ability to do the best work I can. I am not a professional, however I strive to do the best I can. Your service and concern for your product certainly will give me years of extended pleasure.
I would love to be a spokesperson for your company. I tell everyone that I know about the product and tell them it is worth every penny and the service is unequaled. I am so thankful for your company and your help in my continued passion for my life hobbies. I know as I age and my eyes grow weaker I could not continue what I love without your help! Thank you.
Sheri Mashburn
- Sheri Mashburn, Quilt Artist