Frequently Asked Questions (Archive)

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How do I know if the CraftOptics frames will fit? When I get my normal glasses, they take all kinds of measurements.

CraftOptics are set up differently than your everyday progressive or no-line bifocal eyeglasses. Your everyday eyeglasses typically require a number of measurements to ensure that the lenses are set at the right spot for you to see near, computer and distance. Those measurements are very specific to the frame you select, and to your facial geometry. Progressive lenses also vary dramatically by the size of each visual zone–some have very small near correction areas, etc. This means it is critical to get those lens measurements correct. Many progressive lens wearers have experienced “reworks” of their glasses due to something being off in the lens configuration.

 Common progressive lens configuration. Note the small reading correction area.

CraftOptics have a more occupational setup with a uniform style to reflect its function as a visual tool. When we make your set of CraftOptics,  your prescription is installed in the frames as a bifocal plus your distance correction (our default installation–other options available), not as a progressive lens (if you wear progressive lenses). There are two reasons we do this: 1) Our goal is to give you the best vision for creating, and this configuration gives you a very large near correction area so you can see your work, and 2) the magnifying telescopes need to drop down in front of that large bifocal completely, as they work WITH your near correction, so this is optically “cleaner”. Progressive lenses do not have large enough near correction areas to allow this.

Note how the bifocal completely covers the telescope eyepiece.

All we need to make your set is your complete prescription and your pupillary distance (PD measurement). The rest is all set as the top of that large bifocal is a fixed position in the frame so it will work properly with the magnifiers (see photo).

Our titanium frames are come in two sizes, 51 and 53 eye size, and have spring hinges that allow them to accommodate various head sizes comfortably. The majority of customers prefer the 51 size, even if they are used to wearing larger everyday frames. If someone is very petite and wears very small glasses, it is helpful to include that information in the note section of the order and we can make adjustments to provide a more snug fit. More here: Frame Sizing

Typically, there are only two types of adjustments our customers may wish to make after using their CraftOptics for a while: 1) possible manual adjustment of the “saddle” style nosepad to make it wider, with the goal to have the glasses “hang” on the bridge of your nose using that silicone saddle, rather than having the weight fall on two tiny spots on your nose, and 2) a minor adjustment of the pupillary distance (PD) to make sure the magnifiers line up with your line of sight, much like you do with a set of binoculars.

We have easy, step by step videos to demonstrate any adjustments needed to provide a slightly, more personalized fit if needed, and of course you can call us for personal assistance.